Sublime Vanille - Les Royales Exclusives EDP 75ml

Sublime Vanille - Les Royales Exclusives EDP 75ml


€ 410,00

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Les Royales Exclusives



Among the most widespread and used ingredients in the world of fragrances, the aroma of Vanilla frees itself from its heavy and sweet notes to transform in the hands of Monsieur Creed into the quintessence of grace and harmony. Full-bodied yet impalpable, in Sublime Vanille its perfume comes from the noblest pods in the world, the fruit of orchids that grow in the Comoros Islands, East Africa. Blended with hints of lemon and white bergamot, its fine aroma meets the sensuality of Tonkin musk.

A young woman daydreams, lying in the shade of a precious canopy, under the cool arches of an ancient manor house. She reaches out, plucks a vanilla bean from a cup and begins shelling it. The seeds of the splendid orchid, rolling between the pads of her fingers, release an intense aroma of timeless magnificence. The dense humidity of the hot season that permeates everything vanishes as if by magic, annihilated by the sublime scent of vanilla.

EAN 3508440752017

BRAND: Creed

  • Capacity 75
  • Main Notes According Amber perfums

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Sublime Vanille - Les Royales Exclusives EDP 75ml

Sublime Vanille - Les Royales Exclusives EDP 75ml

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